TCS Teams

We believe equitable access is a right and a disability is not a barrier to any lifer pursuit, including successful, competitive employment or academic achievement. Because a seat at the table is not enough.

We strive for a future where equitable access is not an after thought or an uncomfortable conversation, where people with disabilities have unrestricted access to their power.

We break barriers in communication.

Image Description: Jessica Aiello, Founder and CEO of iYellow Group, seated at a conference table with folders, paper, and pen in front of her. She is communicating using sign language during a meeting. In the foreground, the arm of another meeting participant is visible, and in the background, the meeting facilitator is visible.

Our Companies

iYellow Access LogoPeople sitting at Laptop

iYellow Access

iYellow Access advances equitable access and empowerment of persons with disabilities through the provision of Assistive Technology tools and solutions aimed at fostering independence and productivity in federal, commercial, non-profit, and educational institutions.

iYellow Interpreting LogoWoman Interpreting with Sign Language

iYellow Interpreting

iYellow Interpreting advances equitable access through the provision of world class language access through skilled, professional interpreters who are nationally certified and committed to breaking barriers in communication –both on-site and remote.

iYellow Captions LogoMan using his laptop smiling

iYellow Captions

iYellow Captions advances equitable communication access through transcription of the spoken word through video captioning and CART services – both on-site and remote.

Here are the facts.


Unemployment Rate

According to the US Bureau of Labor, the unemployment rate for people with disabilities is 50% greater than those without disabilities.


American Sign Language

ASL is the third most used language in the United States.


Unemployment Rate

According to the US Bureau of Labor, the unemployment rate for people with disabilities is 50% greater than those without disabilities.


American Sign Language

ASL is the third most used language in the United States.


Companies that improved inclusion of persons with disabilities over time were four times more likely to outperform shareholder returns

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